Lucky Stars Lucky Numbers

Did you know that your Star Sign and the current month can help predict which Lucky Numbers you should be using?
We each have a Star sign (Zodiac sign) that relates to the month and date we were born in. Each Zodiac sign has certain elements and associated personal traits. These traits describe how you approach the world and how you are seen by others. Knowing these inherent traits helps you to build on your strengths and work on any weaknesses. You are also able to use your star sign and the current month to help guide you in choosing the best lucky numbers. Take a look below:

WEEK 42: 14 October – 20 October 2019 

AQUARIUS: 20 January to 18 February

In the next couple of days, you may most probably encounter an incident that will leave you feeling frustrated. You need to calm down as no amount of screaming and shouting will fix this.
Lucky Numbers: 11,12,13,31,32,47
PISCES: 19 February to 20 March
You need to have a proper plan of action to accommodate a very hectic period. Your business will continue to thrive, but you must start associating yourself with influential people.
Lucky Numbers: 14,19,31,34,36,37
ARIES: 21 March to 19 April
Your habits are very mundane, and you refuse to deviate from your set ways. You need to start adopting a more adventurous outlook on life. Try something new over the weekend.
Lucky Numbers: 3,5,16,19,27,35

TAURUS: 20 April to 20 May
You and your partner needs to have serious discussion regarding your finances. You both are living way beyond your means and you are now at a point where you are robbing Paul to pay Peter.
Lucky Numbers: 1,3,6,19,26,31

GEMINI: 21 May to 20 June
A new comer to your circle of friends has captured the hearts of many. You still remain sceptical and with good reason. This person has ulterior motives so you need to tread with caution.
Lucky Numbers: 5,8,10,24,40,42
CANCER: 21 June – 22 July
Do not be impulsive with any decision making in the weeks to come as this decision will not only affect you, but the rest of the family as well. It is suggested that you chat to your family before finalising any deals.
Lucky Numbers: 7,17,21,43,44,47

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